January 2013, United States…
A family walks into a restaurant along with their Down-Syndrome kid. After he does something disruptive, a man sitting at another table whispers to his wife "special children need to be special somewhere else". A nosy waiter overhears the remark and refuses to wait on the family of the man who said it.
Although the waiter's actions are discriminative, he is not fired, for the sake of political correctness. Instead, he is called a hero and rewarded with over a thousand dollars.
August 2013, Canada…

June 2014, United States…
The Government decides to cancel the trademark of the Washington Redskins football team, Saying the team's name is offensive to Native Americans despite the fact that there are many Native American fans of the team.
Just because race or disorders are involved, These three things happened differently than they would otherwise. Imagine if Max Begley was normal, would the police be on the case? No, Instead, Max's mom would likely be fined for abusing 911.