Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Poor Coy… The 2nd Grade Transvestite

Do you think the little girl above looks a bit strange? If so, you have a good reason to think that… the kid in the picture isn't a girl at all.

It's Coy Mathis, a seven year old boy who wears dresses and made headlines last year when his mom sued his school because they wouldn't let him use the girl's bathroom.

Coy's story goes like this…
When he was 18 months old, he said he was a girl. Instead of just letting their toddler's remark slide, His parents started buying him dresses and telling him that he was indeed a girl.

So yeah, they basically made their poor son into a confused transvestite just because he said "I'm girl" once when he was a baby. The sad part is that Coy is probably oblivious to the fact that there is a biological difference between girls and boys.

It's really a true shame that we live in a world where there are parents retarded enough to do this.

Well, i hope Coy has fun while he's still a little kid. Because his classmates who think he's a girl will start teasing him when his voice begins to deepen. And then the teenage years will kick in, and who knows what will happen then...

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