Friday, July 11, 2014

Apple, Disney, and Allstate are suddenly Gay enthusiasts

The insurance company Allstate has launched a new ad campaign! The new animated ad showcases a gay guy finding a sexual partn… what?!?

Yes, Allstate has released a pro-gay commercial, and it is quite disturbing if you ask me.
The commercial shows a gay kid not being able to fit in, it shows him growing up and eventually finding another faggot. Ughh…

I guess i should just be thankful that the commercial is too long to be allowed on TV… wait a minute… they could shorten it and then… No no no, i don't want to give them ideas.

Meanwhile, iTunes is taking an even more direct approach, by highlighting gay singers on the front page! Not only that, but they are also giving discounts on movies that feature gay couples as main characters! What the hell is the world coming to?!?

And even Disney, yes, family friendly Disney, has gone to the fags.
They put two lesbians in a KID'S SHOW! Well, they were only featured on one episode of a show that is ending, but still, it is very harmful to youth that may see it.

 Not surprisingly, all three corporations mentioned above are headquartered in the USA. *sigh* Why is it that when all other countries try to prevent homosexuality, the USA has to be the weirdo who encourages it?

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