Monday, July 7, 2014

Yes, "Race" exists.

As i have established earlier, i am not a racist (skinhead) Nazi, i simply like the idea of Socialism and like to embrace it.

With that said, I'm also not the kind of person who pretends that race isn't even real. 
Some scientists honestly think that race doesn't even exist, and that all human beings are pretty much exactly the same. The thing that i don't understand is how can anyone say that when you can clearly see the differences with your bare EYES.

They claim that in molecular biology that there are no differences at all between races, and that it was simply a "cultural concept" made up by society. 

The way i see it, if it actually was just a concept, why would i be typing this right now? There would be no racism, and everyone would pretty much look the same.

At first i believed the "molecular" part of what the scientists were saying (which i assumed was referring to the internal bones/organs/etc that all people have), but then i saw this site:

Yeah, not only are people different on the outside, but the inside as well. How could anyone who calls himself a scientist possibly ignore these? I can only theorize that the whole "no races" claim was just a government ploy designed to make people less prejudiced. 

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