Saturday, July 26, 2014

The true story of the Holocaust (Part 1: Black Nazis)

Holocaust Denial is a trait of both Traditional Neo-Nazis AND Skinheads. I don't fully deny that the Holocaust happened, but i don't think it happened the way the history books tell you.

First of all, there were no blacks killed in the holocaust, googling "Black Holocaust Victims" will simply bring you mislabeled pictures of starving african tribes… but there WERE black Nazis…

Hitler wanted to retrieve the German East African territories that we're lost after WWI, so he got a man named Fritz Delfs to go to Tanganyika to form an African branch of the Nazi party.

Delfs' Party wasn't large, and there are only a few photos of it online, but it seems he recruited another guy to lead the Party (the man pictured on the left), as there are
more pictures of him than the other members of Delfs' Party.

Their flag was like the usual Nazi flag, only the "arms" on the swastika were shortened and there was a gold-colored circle on it.

And… that's all i'm gonna say for this part. :P


  1. While history debates are admirable and wonderful, I wonder if real Neo-Nazi would really be completely beyond finding out what made them lose the war. Even the theory with Hitler being a Turkish agent send to weaken the middle powers of Europe for some Ottoman scheme makes more sense than what the `school sermon´ wants it to be. Flawless lefties, ever-evil right wing... Food for the dumbest.
