Saturday, August 30, 2014

More black Nazis…. in the actual WW2 era German army.

Sorry for not posting much lately, i'm back in school and am therefore quite busy. I just wanted to say that i found ANOTHER photo of a black Nazi, and this time it is a bit different. 

In my last post talking about black Nazis, i focused mainly on the African branch of the Nazi party. Well… this picture shows a black Nazi from the regular German party, what a happy looking fellow, am i right?

I found this picture via torrent. For whatever reason, someone posted this image, by itself, to the pirate bay. I don't know why someon would do that, but i'm glad they did. 

It appears to be taken from a video, if anyone has a link to the video, please tell me.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

The true story of the Holocaust (Part 2: The Ovens)

Okay… after my last post, i think i'm ready to get back into talking about the Holocaust.
Today i would like to draw your attention to a man named Dario Gabbai. 

He claims to be a Jewish Holocaust survivor who was once in charge of the gritty task of running a Crematorium in Auschwitz, where the "gas chambers" and cremation ovens were located. 

Gabbai was once featured in a six-part BBC documentary about the Holocaust, where he gives some mathematically impossible information about the the cremation process. First of all, he said that four corpses were usually put inside the ovens, and it took only 20 minutes to cremate the four bodies.

Well… if you look at a video of a modern Funeral Parlor's cremation ovens, you would see that it takes OVER AN HOUR to cremate just one 100-pound body with one of the ovens. This is because the human body is about 60% water, and all of the water has to evaporate before the burning process can truly begin. Keep in mind that this is how long it takes when cremating a rather small person… a 400-pound person would take about 4 hours to cremate. If there WERE four (100-pound) bodies in the Auschwitz ovens, it would also roughly 4 hours.

There were 15 ovens in the Auschwitz crematoriums, so if there were four bodies in each one at the same time, it would take 4 hours to cremate 60 bodies, which is still a far-cry from the 2000 bodies that were (supposedly) there after the "gassing".

At this rate, it would take almost a week to cremate all 2000 bodies.

How could a Holocaust survivor like Dario Gabbai get his info so wrong? Easy… he isn't a Holocaust survivor, he isan actor. He has a confirmed appearance in a 1953 Korean War movie called "The Glory Brigade".

F**k you, Michelle Obama.

Look… I try to keep my posts on this blog as respectable as i can. I try to create a decent image of myself for blogger… well, at least as decent as a Neo-Nazi can be.

And i also had plans to continue my posts about the Holocaust this weekend, But there is something i have to get out, i have to release my anger on this topic. School started for me last friday, and the lunches this year are f**king s**t, and it's all thanks to our first lady, Michelle Obama.

*sigh*… Honestly, Barack Obama doesn't bother me much, i disagree with his opinions on abortion and gay marriage, but otherwise i guess he's an OK President, It's his crazy ass wife that bothers me.

Starting in 2012, she has been trying her best to make lunch-time horrible for all public school students. She called it the "Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act", and she says she is fighting childhood obesity. 

if you went to a public school between the years of 2008-2011, you would know that school lunches were not really that good to begin with. About half of them were dry, tasteless, and burnt already, but the great sides and snacks that were also available made up for it.  

Well, Michelle F**ked it all up, and continues to be making it even worse.

In 2012, she banned the selling of candy and non-diet soda in school vending machines, and banned the use of bread that wasn't whole-wheat. As a replacement for the snacks, she made a salad bar a requirement.

In 2013, she made the salad bar use only low-fat dressing and whole-wheat crackers.

In 2014, she banned the selling of salt, limited ketchup to only two-packs per student, got rid of all drinks besides water and skim milk, and regulated the pizza to only 1/2 a slice per student.

Next year, she is supposedly going to ban flavored milk.

How the f**ck is this supposed to be better? Is she too retarded to realize that she isn't fighting obesity when kids can just go home and eat all they want?!?

F***k you Michelle, you can go choke on a whole-wheat crouton for all i care.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

The true story of the Holocaust (Part 1: Black Nazis)

Holocaust Denial is a trait of both Traditional Neo-Nazis AND Skinheads. I don't fully deny that the Holocaust happened, but i don't think it happened the way the history books tell you.

First of all, there were no blacks killed in the holocaust, googling "Black Holocaust Victims" will simply bring you mislabeled pictures of starving african tribes… but there WERE black Nazis…

Hitler wanted to retrieve the German East African territories that we're lost after WWI, so he got a man named Fritz Delfs to go to Tanganyika to form an African branch of the Nazi party.

Delfs' Party wasn't large, and there are only a few photos of it online, but it seems he recruited another guy to lead the Party (the man pictured on the left), as there are
more pictures of him than the other members of Delfs' Party.

Their flag was like the usual Nazi flag, only the "arms" on the swastika were shortened and there was a gold-colored circle on it.

And… that's all i'm gonna say for this part. :P

Friday, July 11, 2014

Apple, Disney, and Allstate are suddenly Gay enthusiasts

The insurance company Allstate has launched a new ad campaign! The new animated ad showcases a gay guy finding a sexual partn… what?!?

Yes, Allstate has released a pro-gay commercial, and it is quite disturbing if you ask me.
The commercial shows a gay kid not being able to fit in, it shows him growing up and eventually finding another faggot. Ughh…

I guess i should just be thankful that the commercial is too long to be allowed on TV… wait a minute… they could shorten it and then… No no no, i don't want to give them ideas.

Meanwhile, iTunes is taking an even more direct approach, by highlighting gay singers on the front page! Not only that, but they are also giving discounts on movies that feature gay couples as main characters! What the hell is the world coming to?!?

And even Disney, yes, family friendly Disney, has gone to the fags.
They put two lesbians in a KID'S SHOW! Well, they were only featured on one episode of a show that is ending, but still, it is very harmful to youth that may see it.

 Not surprisingly, all three corporations mentioned above are headquartered in the USA. *sigh* Why is it that when all other countries try to prevent homosexuality, the USA has to be the weirdo who encourages it?

Monday, July 7, 2014

Yes, "Race" exists.

As i have established earlier, i am not a racist (skinhead) Nazi, i simply like the idea of Socialism and like to embrace it.

With that said, I'm also not the kind of person who pretends that race isn't even real. 
Some scientists honestly think that race doesn't even exist, and that all human beings are pretty much exactly the same. The thing that i don't understand is how can anyone say that when you can clearly see the differences with your bare EYES.

They claim that in molecular biology that there are no differences at all between races, and that it was simply a "cultural concept" made up by society. 

The way i see it, if it actually was just a concept, why would i be typing this right now? There would be no racism, and everyone would pretty much look the same.

At first i believed the "molecular" part of what the scientists were saying (which i assumed was referring to the internal bones/organs/etc that all people have), but then i saw this site:

Yeah, not only are people different on the outside, but the inside as well. How could anyone who calls himself a scientist possibly ignore these? I can only theorize that the whole "no races" claim was just a government ploy designed to make people less prejudiced. 

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Daily Stormer, I salute you.

The Daily Stormer is basically a news site for Neo-Nazis, and it is AMAZING.

The website is very diverse in content and can cater to both types of Neos (Skinheads and Traditional Nazis), it gives you everyday news stories that the mainstream media waters down, and presents them from a tell-it-like-it-is Nazi standpoint. 

If you're a Neo, you should check it out if you haven't already. They have some great stuff there.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Political Correctness Puts Free Speech in Danger of Extinction

Political Correctness runs amuck these days, trying to tell us what we can and cannot do, and some people are always using it as means to rule out our freedom of speech.

January 2013, United States… 
A family walks into a restaurant along with their Down-Syndrome kid. After he does something disruptive, a man sitting at another table whispers to his wife "special children need to be special somewhere else". A nosy waiter overhears the remark and refuses to wait on the family of the man who said it. 
Although the waiter's actions are discriminative, he is not fired, for the sake of political correctness. Instead, he is called a hero and rewarded with over a thousand dollars.

                                  August 2013, Canada…
An autistic child named Max Begley is screaming nonsense at the top of his lungs in his front yard. The noise pollution disturbs many people who live on his street, including a mother and her two normal children. The concerned mother sends a little pink letter to Max's family, explaining the situation without pulling any punches. Max's mom calls the police, and reports that she got a "threat letter", the media morphs the story into international news about a "hate-filled" letter that shown up on an innocent "disabled" boy's doorstep, meanwhile, the letter's actual message is being ignored. The police are still looking for the sender of the "evil" letter, which wasn't a threat in the first place. 

June 2014, United States…
The Government decides to cancel the trademark of the Washington Redskins football team, Saying the team's name is offensive to Native Americans despite the fact that there are many Native American fans of the team.

Just because race or disorders are involved, These three things happened differently than they would otherwise. Imagine if Max Begley was normal, would the police be on the case? No, Instead, Max's mom would likely be fined for abusing 911.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

There is a difference between "Neo-Nazis" and "Skinheads".

When the average person thinks of Neo-Nazism in general, they are likely to think of aggressive skinheads who care about little more than "white power", but only a small amount of Neo-Nazis truly live up to that stereotype. 

I may be a Neo-Nazi, but i am NOT a racist, nor am i obsessed with blaming everything on jews. 

Most skinheads, at least in my opinion, are barely Neo-Nazis at all.

Since when does Nazism have to do with being white in the first place? There were people of all ethnicities serving in Hitler's army, just google "black nazis" or "asian nazis" or anything similar and you'll be surprised at what you see… vast racial diversity in the WWII German military.

Unfortunately, It seems like most North American Neo-Nazis are skinheads/white supremacists, which makes my group a bit of a minority (we are a Neo-Nazi group in the USA that bases itself solely on the original Nazi Ideals, not the racist and ridiculous additions that Neo-Nazism is known for). Strangely, it seems that Neo-Nazism in Europe and other continents is more faithful to what Nazism actually is, i guess that's because there are less non-whites in Europe, but i may be mistaken.

Appropriate Punishments For Child/Baby Killers

Above is the mugshot of Megan Huntsman. Two months ago, this slut was arrested for killing 7 of her babies over a 10-year period.

But that is pretty much all we know… Because there were never any updates on her case revealing what her punishment was.

If you ask me, she should be tortured medieval style and then her worthless body should be fed to starving wolves, same goes with other people like her… But fortunately for them, that would be considered "cruel and unusual" by the USA's standards. *sigh*

I have an idea for a more humane punishment that still fits the crime… child/baby killers should be "fixed", yep, like your dog! 

Obviously, male killers would be castrated, and female baby killers would be spayed. It's perfect! by taking away their ability to have any more babies, it greatly reduces the possibility of them having a chance to murder more.

They don't even have to spend time in jail, they can go free! Just with a few less organs "down there".

It is expected that most child murderers would willfully conform to this, as they obviously don't care about having children anyway. With that said, no one is getting "the short end of the stick", justice is served, and the criminal walks free with almost no chance of repeating the crime.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Poor Coy… The 2nd Grade Transvestite

Do you think the little girl above looks a bit strange? If so, you have a good reason to think that… the kid in the picture isn't a girl at all.

It's Coy Mathis, a seven year old boy who wears dresses and made headlines last year when his mom sued his school because they wouldn't let him use the girl's bathroom.

Coy's story goes like this…
When he was 18 months old, he said he was a girl. Instead of just letting their toddler's remark slide, His parents started buying him dresses and telling him that he was indeed a girl.

So yeah, they basically made their poor son into a confused transvestite just because he said "I'm girl" once when he was a baby. The sad part is that Coy is probably oblivious to the fact that there is a biological difference between girls and boys.

It's really a true shame that we live in a world where there are parents retarded enough to do this.

Well, i hope Coy has fun while he's still a little kid. Because his classmates who think he's a girl will start teasing him when his voice begins to deepen. And then the teenage years will kick in, and who knows what will happen then...